You're so worried about what all of these people are saying and thinking about you. When you killed your fucking child. Talking about the law. We don't need a baby killer to tell us what our laws and rights are. We have freedom of speech and we will fucking use it. Just like you used your bare hands to kill your daughter. Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. You should be rotting in a fucking jail cell Not telling the American people what their laws are. You haven't even mentioned finding your daughter's killer because you know who it is. You see that person everyday when you look in the mirror. You won't last long.
I have always found it strange how society viciously attacks a woman for something and looks the other way when a man does something much worse. It's not fair. It's sexist to the core.
Years ago, a woman started a fire in CA and it made national news. I don't know if it was an accident or not. Regardless, they threw the book at her.
In another case, a woman drove her car in the lake and her 3 children died. It was tragic. I've always wondered why society and the media persecutes women with total outrage, but thousands of innocent children can be maimed and die due one man at war, like Gaza or the Ukraine, and society and the media don't care. Why is that people come down hard on women, but not men? Are women easier to victimize? I think so.
Most recently, Anderson Cooper was mean and unfair to VP Harris, but he licked the shoes of Trump. Yes, Anderson Cooper of CNN couldn't help himself from attacking a woman. What does that tell you about the media and sexism?
Lol. Just curious... How many times have you wrote online about how awful, or horrific, or illegal it is that Netanyaho and/or Putin has maimed and killed tens of thousands of children? Have you done anything about the on-going massacre of children in Gaza and the Ukraine?
If you're like most people, you haven't done anything. You may not even have an opinion about the deaths of tens of thousands of children? No right or wrong answer. I just want to know the truth for sociological reasons. Please share?
What the fuck that gotta do with Casey Anthony and killing her daughter??? You sound like a narcissist trying to bring up a different situation to make this situation even lesser … You sound dumb
How many times have you wrote online about how horrific and illegal it is that Netanyaho and/or Putin has maimed and killed tens of thousands of children? Have you done anything, or said anything online, about the on-going massacre of children in Gaza and the Ukraine?
If you're like most people, you haven't done anything. You may not even have an opinion about the deaths of tens of thousands of children? No right or wrong answer. I just want to know the truth for sociological reasons. Please share?
im a gay trans man and LET ME SAY - the LAST thing that the LGBTQ community needs is a murderer advocating for them. idk about all your posts about “hate is bad 🥺” because shut the fuck up.
my community and my people get enough hate as it is, the fact that you're on here trying to dick-ride all of us is geniunely so disgusting.
You killed your daughter, the young, LGBTQ children are NOT safe around you. This is not what we need, nobody is thankful for your bullshit advocating, you're a murderer.
ADMIT YOU KILLED YOUR DAUGHTER!!!! You may have been found “not guilty” but it does not mean you are innocent at all. We all know and we have not forgotten!
You are a worthless, sorry excuse for a human being. You don't report for a month, show no emotion and all you did was party and spend someone else's money and lied several times. I hope your life is 10x more miserable than everything you’ve done wrong in this life.
It’s a surprise why she would even come into that community. Like. WTF it seems like really out of place. It’s clear our community do not want her…..but yet she acts like she’s an advocate. Last time I checked she’s not an attorney.
Please do not “advocate” for my group. We like people that didn’t get charged with murdering their own child. You can wipe off your fake rainbow tattoo now
You're so worried about what all of these people are saying and thinking about you. When you killed your fucking child. Talking about the law. We don't need a baby killer to tell us what our laws and rights are. We have freedom of speech and we will fucking use it. Just like you used your bare hands to kill your daughter. Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. You should be rotting in a fucking jail cell Not telling the American people what their laws are. You haven't even mentioned finding your daughter's killer because you know who it is. You see that person everyday when you look in the mirror. You won't last long.
I have always found it strange how society viciously attacks a woman for something and looks the other way when a man does something much worse. It's not fair. It's sexist to the core.
Years ago, a woman started a fire in CA and it made national news. I don't know if it was an accident or not. Regardless, they threw the book at her.
In another case, a woman drove her car in the lake and her 3 children died. It was tragic. I've always wondered why society and the media persecutes women with total outrage, but thousands of innocent children can be maimed and die due one man at war, like Gaza or the Ukraine, and society and the media don't care. Why is that people come down hard on women, but not men? Are women easier to victimize? I think so.
Most recently, Anderson Cooper was mean and unfair to VP Harris, but he licked the shoes of Trump. Yes, Anderson Cooper of CNN couldn't help himself from attacking a woman. What does that tell you about the media and sexism?
Bitch you sound dumb as fuck this isn’t about sexism this is about a murderer who is trying to act like she’s innocent
Lol. Just curious... How many times have you wrote online about how awful, or horrific, or illegal it is that Netanyaho and/or Putin has maimed and killed tens of thousands of children? Have you done anything about the on-going massacre of children in Gaza and the Ukraine?
If you're like most people, you haven't done anything. You may not even have an opinion about the deaths of tens of thousands of children? No right or wrong answer. I just want to know the truth for sociological reasons. Please share?
What the fuck that gotta do with Casey Anthony and killing her daughter??? You sound like a narcissist trying to bring up a different situation to make this situation even lesser … You sound dumb
I'm a sociologists.
I will explain later.
How many times have you wrote online about how horrific and illegal it is that Netanyaho and/or Putin has maimed and killed tens of thousands of children? Have you done anything, or said anything online, about the on-going massacre of children in Gaza and the Ukraine?
If you're like most people, you haven't done anything. You may not even have an opinion about the deaths of tens of thousands of children? No right or wrong answer. I just want to know the truth for sociological reasons. Please share?
im a gay trans man and LET ME SAY - the LAST thing that the LGBTQ community needs is a murderer advocating for them. idk about all your posts about “hate is bad 🥺” because shut the fuck up.
my community and my people get enough hate as it is, the fact that you're on here trying to dick-ride all of us is geniunely so disgusting.
You killed your daughter, the young, LGBTQ children are NOT safe around you. This is not what we need, nobody is thankful for your bullshit advocating, you're a murderer.
ADMIT YOU KILLED YOUR DAUGHTER!!!! You may have been found “not guilty” but it does not mean you are innocent at all. We all know and we have not forgotten!
Sounds like it's time for our community to take matters into our own hands of law enforcement isn't going to help us. #acab
You killed your own daughter
I am esp fearful after last nights speech I felt it was inciting hatred that could result in violence
Agreed. I want to watch it again because I could believe my ears. Did he insult half the room? I miss W, "the uniter."
He’s def a divider
People need to let people live, it's up to them how to live. Control is not a good behavior.
If she did a bad thing, then she has to live with her consequences
How can this be allowed to continue without legal action. Cruelty is MAGA.
MAGA men is an oxymoron.
Girl, do you honestly expect people to forget what you did? I mean honestly?
Back in November I decided to delete all of my social media accounts, no longer feeling that it was safe for the LGBT community. Now I am glad I did.
You are a worthless, sorry excuse for a human being. You don't report for a month, show no emotion and all you did was party and spend someone else's money and lied several times. I hope your life is 10x more miserable than everything you’ve done wrong in this life.
I really need your help. My family are a bunch of MAGA Republicans. I have no one to talk to about this.
I feel really bad that the LGBTQ community needs a disgraced baby killer to repost it’s news.
It’s a surprise why she would even come into that community. Like. WTF it seems like really out of place. It’s clear our community do not want her…..but yet she acts like she’s an advocate. Last time I checked she’s not an attorney.
Please do not “advocate” for my group. We like people that didn’t get charged with murdering their own child. You can wipe off your fake rainbow tattoo now