I am just beside myself with these details. No one deserves this! They lured him, abused him, violated him, forced CHILDREN to participate and then killed him. 😭 This is beyond fucked up! They better not accept ANY plea deals. They should all be prosecuted to the FULL extent of the law!

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This coming from a lifelong atheist…hell is real and we’re living in it. I like to think I usually see the best in people, but there is nothing good to see in anyone who would do this to another human being.

EDIT: Also who does something like this and thinks they won’t get caught??? Do criminals really think they’re that much smarter than everyone else???

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I am also an atheist and I agree.

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I suggest an edit: “…Nordquist’s body in plastic bags and abandoning it [him] in a field.” …”him” not “it” please

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This terrible and brutal crime is a direct result of all of tRump’s and the Republican’s war on the LGBQT community….These politicians are as guilty as the 7 defendants and the connection to these event is undeniable….This is a very sick country that we are living in and we are all paying a very high price for the actions of donald tRump and the Republican party that supports this kind of sick behavior….I am disgusted in ways that I can’t even express !!!!

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You're 🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯

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I don't agree with you, & I think most LGBTQ would not either. The hatred & aggression is fully out in the daylight now....

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You're wrong...I & my siblings were the "child labor" you speak of.... You're making a lot of very incorrect assumptions about a lot of things...

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I could not read it…not as a dishonor to this lovely human who was horrifically tortured. My god; I knew I could not endure reading about the tortuous suffering he went through. In no way do I care to diminish his pain and deadly abuse by not reading. I feel a tremendous amount of guilt for my selfishness in not reading it through because he endured pain I failed to be able to even read about. My god, what horrors we put kind, innocent beings through. For what? For whom? Why??

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I feel you. Find the strength and courage. You are engaged and can help with your empathy and voice to give support and love toward bringing recognition to this horrific incident that claimed the life of this beautiful soul. 💜

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This is beyond horrifying. It's a gut-wrenching reminder that trans people, especially Black trans people, are being hunted, tortured, and murdered while the world looks away. Sam Nordquist deserved protection, dignity, and a life free from violence. Instead, a group of monsters subjected him to unimaginable cruelty. We cannot let this be another name added to a list with no justice. We must demand accountability, systemic change, and actual safety for the LGBTQ+ community. No more hand-wringing, no more empty condolences -- justice for Sam, now.

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I feel sooooo bad for this individual....

Those who did this are TOTALLY SICK BASTARDS!!!!!

HUGS to his family...💞

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Omg this is such a sad story. People can be so cruel, I just can’t understand. I am so sorry for him and his family.

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This is beyond disturbing, it makes me so angry and sad. My heart goes out to those young children who are now traumatized because of the despicable and cruel adults around them. My heart breaks for Sam Nordquist, you didn’t deserve any of this. I am so sorry for what happened to you. May you now rest in peace. I will continue fighting against these types of monsters for you and people like you. My condolences to your family. I hope the children receive the care and counseling they need. Sending healing vibes to the children and anyone affected by this horrific tragedy. Love and understanding is needed in this cruel world.

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That poor young man. He had such a sweet face, how could anyone look at that sweet face and treat him like that. Pure evil

Trump and his conservative Christians

have made it okay to do that by dehumanize people who are “different”. The children who were made to participate will need extensive therapy.

These people make me wish there was a hell.

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This is the most disgusting, vile, heinous, inhumane thing I've ever read. As far as I'm concerned, this requires one thing, and one thing only: an eye for an eye. Whatever Sam suffered, each of these 7 people need to suffer. Up to and including death. They are despicable, and deserve no mercy. Treat them like the rabid animals that they are.

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“We may never understand why. Because what kind of human being could do something like this?”

I disagree. I think we know EXACTLY why this horrific crime happened. 🤬

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Reading this made me sick to my stomach! Many Trans people and LGBTQIA+ go online to date because finding community and romantic partners is almost non existent in our daily lives.

I imagined the various Texts/phone calls Sam must have had with this evil being on the other side of the phone and had perceived to be trust worthy before visiting what he thought would be a romantic relationship. The horror he felt when that was drastically proven false.

Trans people deserve more! We deserve to be protected!



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IF Sam's family sues, I hope it's mentioned in this thread, together with their legal representation, because I'd like to contribute financially to help defer the costs....

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I really hope they keep the charges state so trump can't pardon the killers.

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The brutality and rage by people I will never understand, it’s barbaric and a display of how much hate there is out there. They should be more than locked up for life and those children’s lives they’ve taken away from trauma that should be life in prison in and of itself. The state should be forced to donate money and invest in the prevention of this systemic and trickle down hatred. The investment and protection of individuals is paramount. But we already know this.

I’m heartbroken for this young man and his family.

As a Minnesotan I’m assuming they already had a service for him but I’d like to place flowers on his grave. Do we know if and where he was buried?

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